Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Brooklyn College Follies

So today was my first day of school. It was pretty much what I had expected it to be, crowded classrooms, overworked professors who qouted Proust because they could, and people who didnt vote. But all things considered I like my profs.

My school schedual is pretty crazy this semester. I have 2 classes Monday and Tuesday, three on Wednesday, none on Thursday and 2 on Friday. Its complete chaos.

But today being Wednesday I had 3 classes:

1st was English. Prof was nice, defenitly gay, possibly Jewish, more than likely shops at a co-op and listens to AirAmerica Radio(this is a good thing).

2nd was Ethics. Prof was...dull. Young, Defenitly Jewish, probably gay. His voice was completely monotoned.

3rd was Political Science. Prof was very hyper. Defenitly Asian, defenitly gay. Tough hyper I found myself looking at the clock.

Tomarrow is a free day, which means...errands. Post office, bills, laundry, editing, and catching up with amigos here, some of whom I havent seen in a very long time.

After the errands I have to work. I really love my job at centrally-located-tourist-attracted-mega-store. I'm working in the book department now. I get to bring my own music, gotta love that. I hope they let me play all of it.

Oh and I'll hopefully have my own computer up and running by Sunday. I havent heard from Bob since Monday and I havent heard from James since the fight at Bob's. But considering my unwainging codependence on him that may be for the best.

I'm also glad it stopped fucking rainging here.


Anonymous said...

Light up, Light up
as if you have a choice
even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder, Louder
and we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak
I understand why you cant raise you voice to say

Slower, Slower
we dont have time for that
all I wants to find an easier way
to get out of our little heads

Have heart my dear
we bound to be afraid
even if its for a few days
Make it up for all this mess

thats all I have to say about that

Jesse said...

...Paige. Seriously. You didnt even put Snow Patrol- Run at the bottom. Forshame.