Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Out of the Woodwork

For those of you who read this, who suffer through my bad spelling, poor acronims, my terrinle grammar, and most of all my bitching, for you I have good news: BOYS!

Its about damn time I say. I mean its not the utter lack of booty in recent months that has me down, its the lack of cuddle.

*To crowd: "Hi(cough) my name is Jesse and I like to cuddle."
*crowd: "Hi Jesse.
*To Crowd: "Sometimes when I'm lying in bed I cuddle my pillow and pretend its...its....
*Group leader more interested than concerned: "its ok, I know its hard but you can tell us, we're all here for the same reason. We're just like you."
*To group:" Sometimes I pretend its Colin Farrell, or George Clooney, and when I really want to cuddle I pretend my pillow is...ummm....
*anonymous cuddler: "Let it out man!
*To Crowd: "I pretend its a mormon missionary that I converted when he came to the door. And he's still wearing a tie."
*Crowd: "cough"
*anonymous cuddler: "That is so fucking hot. Why didnt I think of that?"

So yeah, thats my life now.

But like any prime time NBC broadcast I will leave you with this suspense filled notion for now.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'd pretend my pillow was George Clooney If I didnt get booty...

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhh, I love it. BUT i havva question: (comment...)
COMMENT: can cuddling not lead to booty(ing) hheeeee bootying...