Friday, April 06, 2007

My parents are different people

Theres a really great line from Felicity that reminds me of the way I'm feeling right now. Felicity's parents are visiting and she's having a really hard time dealing with them and they changes in their lives. She's talking to her roommate when she says something along the lines of: "Have you ever had the moment when you look at your parents and realize that they're just...just people, like everyone else?" Thats how I feel right now. My parents, I look at them and they're just like everyone else. Except they seem more fucked up because they're my parents. I'm having a really hard time with them.

My mother acts like she's 8 years old, My father acts like he's 4. My brother is basically just like them, and I act like I'm 38. I hate that I'm always taking care of them. Making sure the house is clean, the bills are paid, the overall well being of all involved is good.

I went to my friend Mrs. B's house yesterday, hoping to hang out with her and catch up. We had plans of drive around and I thought we were going to dinner. But when I got there, there was a sizable crowd and everyone was drinking. Mrs. B was trying to finish an art project for a class, and I ended up sitting on the couch by myself, while their neighbor fell over drunk with a face that looked similar to a ripe apple. Needless to say, I left.

I no longer understand the reasons behind just getting drunk. If I wanted to get shit faced, just to get shit faced, I would do it by drinking bud light.

I cleaned my house. I bought my family food to eat. I paid my family's bills online. Now I'm tired, and I dont ever want to come back. I'm too old for all of this.


Glennie said...

Oh Jesse, It will be okay. Come over and drink more soymilk and eat more steak and forget that Walmart is a major corporation.

Anonymous said...

Thats a lovely story...

Anonymous said...

I am assuming that the large gaps in your blog are an art statement.