Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday of freedom

Last night was spent with Guy. I bought Japanese food from Miyagi and took it uptown to chill with him. When I got there he had made sweet potatoes, rice, salmon, and some incredible thing with cucumbers. We ate, we drank wine, we flirted shamlessly while Steeley Dan played on KCRW. And he always has Cartoon Network playing in the backround.

We watched part of The Motorcycle Diaries.(Which I love.) And I was impressed with his nonexsistent fear of subtitles. I impressed him with my unlengthly spanish vocabulary. ("no puedo".) We made out like bandits, and then we went to bed.

This morning we stayed in bed until about 10 o'clock kissing, and talking about everything. We talked about our favorite days. Mine was 2 years ago. His was 5 years ago. He was praying in "Bum fuck Morocco" and was washed clean by and old man and his two grandsons. By the time he finished his story which ended in his discovering yoga, I basically was speechless and felt a little childish about my own story.

He had to go to work, and i decided to go to around the clock for brunch. The 2 of you who read this already know that. I bought my paper and ate my eggs and drank my coffee.

Then I proceded to turn off my phone and walk around the city for almost the entire day. I explored SOHO, a neighborhood I know little about except that its unbelievably expensive and "hip" which in this town is just another word for expensive.

It was on Wooster St. that I saw Francis McDormand. We made eye contact for a little over 10 seconds. And as I walked past her and two of her friends she sounded like she was talking about my dread locks. This both enthralls and horrors me.

Anyway this post could continue on for days. But I will make my story short.

I bought a cookbook. I hardly ever actually cook for myself, and seeing as I'm a college student with an unusual amount of time on my hands, I figure why not learn the skill. So cutey Tyler Florence is now sitting next to my toaster waiting to teach me how to make blueberry scones with lemon glaze.

And I bought new jeans. They fit perfectly, which is all you can as from a pair of jeans, no?

I rented Kill Bill the 4,000th time and as I sing alog with the japanese songs word for word, I must go to bed. School starts tomorrow and I need to begin with my new years resolutions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an awesome day!