Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Moving, Big Beginnings, Terrible Ends, and etc.

I'm moving. Not out of New York, not out of Brooklyn, but out of Flatbush. I'm moving to Prospect Lefferts Gardens. I'm across the park from Park Slope. A quick bike ride away from The Michaels, and their randy gang. My friend British Girl, and I signed the lease yesterday. Its a 3 bedroom proper. There's all kinds of space, and lots of closets, and its in a brownstone. There are 2 entrances. Its a remodeled railroad. Meaning that all the rooms used to be connected, not theres a giant hallway that connects them. Its really nice, I'll post pics.

I've had it with my job. My boss cut my hours for a reason that was basically rediculous. And when I literally begged for more, he told me that beggers cant be choosers. So in my experience of working in retail: cutting hours+ lack of mercy= they want me to quit. So I'm not one to disapoint. So after Lady B's visit is over, I'm finding another job. $8/hr isnt worth breaking my back over.

My first Pride is coming up! I'm so excited you have no idea. Everything is great! I cant wait to be swallowed in a sea of gay people from all over the world. If you're going to have a first pride parade, it might as well be THE Pride Parade, no?

The day after the parade is my anniversary of living in New York City. Promise I will post that day. MP is throwing me a little shindig at his place. Probably just the Michaels and a few other amigos, but I'm bringing British Girl and My friend Kat. So hooray for me.

The man JUST got back from Cambodia. I have mixed feelings about his return. I want to see him again and I want to talk to him and hear his voice and drink beer with him and chat about the whole experience. But thats partially the problem. I want him. I want him to stop me mid sentence and say "He and I broke up, I want to be with you. I'm sorry for treating you like shit. I love you so much. I love you the hard way."

I guess we'll just have to see how this goes.


Todd HellsKitchen said...

How did the move go?

Marko said...

Hi Jesse,
I’ve been visiting your blog from time to time for a while, as I will also be moving to New York to study in a month or so and it was interesting to read on how one adapts.
I know you don’t know me, but you can help me with some information. My boyfriend and I will be looking for a small and hopefully inexpensive apartment as soon as we arrive. Can you perhaps tell me something about costs of renting, neighborhoods which are decent to live in but not too expensive or some good website/agency I could contact?

I would greatly appreciate your help
Keep up the good work

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Where'd he go?

Anonymous said...

Hope everything went well! My bf and I just moved to Bushwick - we're loving Brooklyn!