Sunday, June 03, 2007

Washington Sq Writer's Block

I have the outline, I have the character sketches, I have the symbols. What I dont have is a first sentence. I also have a cold. I came to Washington Sq Park to try and get some inspiration for the damn thing. But its not happening at the moment. At the moment I'm checking out cute guys, and sniffling my head off, while listening to Tokyo Police Club.

I just finished a book of essays by Joan Acocella called Twenty Eight Artists and Two Saints. The essays on the dancers, like Jerome Robbins, and Martha Graham were the most inspired. The Mikail Borishnikov, and Susan Sontag essays were the most passionately written.
Now I'm reading Against Gravity by Farnoosh Moshiri. I'm just started it this morning, but its really well written and I've heard a lot of good things about it.

Its about to rain, and it will rain for a long time. Four days I hear. The tourists are out in full force today. My job is killing me, and I'm remaning eerily unphased considering that The Man is coming back in 11 days. When that happens I'm not sure how I'll handle it.

On the 25 of this month I will have been in NYC for a whole year. I dont know how I'll celebrate, but I'll figure something out.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jesse! Do not despair.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Happy One Year! (Well, almost!)