Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Look who's writing again!!!!

I finally found time to write today, and now that I did I'm not sure how I feel about it. You tell me.
Jon and Andrew are watching tv, cuddling. Its early spring, still cold. Its nightime.

Jon is 21
Andrew is 40

Jon: I'm thinking of moving. Any suggestions?
Andrew: Why are you thinking of moving?
Jon: I dont really have much here, you know? I just want to carve something out for myself.
Andrew: What about me?
Jon playfully: You have David.(pause) I'm just …whatever I am.
Andrew: And youre okay with that idea?
Jon: No, but if its a choice between being with you like this and not being with you at all...
Andrew: You're not just "Whatever" to me, you know that.
Jon: Dont lie. youre bad at it.
Andrew (standing): I'm not lying. I really care about you. More maybe than I let on, but its there.
Jon (walking into the kitchen with him): And how would I know that if you didnt show me?
Andrew: youre in love with me arent you.
Jon: Yes
Andrew: And youre thinking of moving because you cant stand the idea of my not loving you.
Jon: Maybe.
Andrew(getting angry): Dont maybe me. I know you better than you think i do.
Jon: You think you know.
Andrew: I know. I know that you say my name in your sleep. I know that you hate that you love me. I know that you hate that I knew that you love me and never brought it up.
Jon: I'm too young for you to love.
Andrew: Wrong.
Jon: You dont love me. I'm not the person people stay with. I'm the retreat.
Andrew: Some people may mistake your pesimism for wisdom. Be careful.

Jon walks to the door and starts getting ready to leave.

Andrew: what are you doing?
Jon: I cant walk around manhattan with one shoe can I? Give that back.
Andrew: come to bed.
Jon: So you can listen to me whisper your name in my sleep. So you can hear me loving you? What a masturbatory fantasy that is Andrew.
Andrew: That was just cruel. apologize.
Jon: I'm leaving. (pause) I have to leave.
Andrew: if you stay-
Jon: you'll buy me candy?

Andrew pushes Jon against the door. Jon pushes him back.

Jon: You bring me here, cook me meals, fuck me, make me laugh...Kiss my fucking eyes! Of course I love you. But you do that to him, too. You have jokes, one liners. You have places and moments and photographs. I have saturday night after I get out of work. When youre so tired that you fall asleep before I get here. What happened to ice skating? what happened to a trip to the beach? You may like me alot, and I'm sure that you do, but you dont love me. Youre not in love with me and you never will be. I'm the secret. I'm here to start your fucking car and then slowly we'll fall out of touch. Or you'll rip me off like bandaid and be done with me. I must be some kind of masochist or something?

Jon leans against the door and looks at Andrew with hurt eyes."I just want to register somewhere on your scale"

Andrew: you mean more to me than you could possibly know.

Andrew puts his hands on either side of Jon's head. He looks at him sincerely.

Jon: I dont want to be a foolish child about this, I dont want to overreact. I dont want to sound like and idiot, but I do.I dont want to be jealouse and think jealous things: is he a better kisser than me? What jokes do you have? When youre together do you even need to talk and if you do can you finish each other sentences anyway? Which one is the seriouse one? Who's the outter spoon?
Andrew: You dont have to worry about any of that stuff.
Jon: I'm the other woman, its my job to worry about that stuff.
Andrew: your not the other woman. Now please take off your coat and come to bed.

Jon takes off his coat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jesse.

Writing is always a good outlet, though it doesn't always have to be based on your current or recent situation.

Dialogue is always a good start, but you need descriptions yet.