Saturday, October 21, 2006


So this week seems to have taken a nose dive. (How's that for a first sentence?)

I didnt get the purple chair. It became an issue, a catalyst if you will for a larger problem. In the end it was decided that the chair should go to someone who could actually pay for it. So after considerable shuffling of furniture for the chair I now have a more spacious looking apartment. It always seems larger when other people are there.

I took night off on Thursday. I went to a party at the Met for college students, thinking that it was a casual thing. So not only did I go alone with hopes of meeting interesting new people, I went casually. As I walked up the stairs that are so comfy in the spring I realized I was the only person in jeans. Ripped jeans no less, with a hole in a place we neednt mention. The kicker for the night however was this: I'm standing in front a painting by Cassat, its a woman sitting at table or something like that. A guy and his girlfriend come up behind me and he sounds very snooty, like he's III or a IV or something. He looks the painting over, gives a "hmph" and then says to his girlfriend "I love Lee Krasner."

After considerable pausing done by the other people around me I turned to look at him. He was wearing a blue blazer, and had a tie. The first thing to pop into my mind was "Breeders say the darndest things." I laughed to myself. And walked into the next room as he explained to his very dumb girlfriend about how Krasner's style was so obviously French.

In other news, I just got out of work. at 6:40. I was suppose to get out at 5:15, I made plans, but then they forgot to cash out my register. After this they got pissed when I asked them to cash me out because I was kind of in a hurry. Now, defeated, I'm going to go home and eat Ramen noodles instead of Beef Negamaki. ....I hate this.

Also, there are no more boys. No more boys for Jesse. It would seem that I had a brief, in not fake moment of good fortune. But the Brit turned out to be a toad, and the boy in philosphy is most likely a breeder. At least I have books though, right? A book will never let me down.


Anonymous said...

yes, that was very blah. good title. (sorry I don't have anything to write)
love you

Anonymous said...

Hey, its the city. There will always be boys, you may just have to wait a little bit longer for the right one to stumble along. At least you're not skankin' it up like a good percentage of the guys in NYC!!!