Saturday, October 07, 2006

Mrs. Frisbie and the damn rats of Jesse's Kitchen

So, I have mice. Just when I thought it couldnt get any worse in, I hear it, the clicking noise under my sink. I thought I had gotten rid of it. I threw it outside. But alas, in this city there is never only one of something(except Trader Joe's).

I bought mouse traps and Dcon(Spelling is bad), I thought for sure it was dead. I hadnt heard from it in almost a week. Then, another one. So I bought mouse traps.
*disclaimer: There is nothing scarrier than a mouse trap! Nothing!

So I set them, with peanut butter, put them in a few select places that I thought would be certain for sucess. What did I find? Three mouse traps, set, ready, and clean or peanut butter.

What the fuck?

And what happened when Itried putting more peanut butter on it? Ask my finger, I think the swelling finally started going down.
I hate rodents.

And to make matters worse, my upstairs neighbor started having a porno-style love making session as I nursed my wounds. The cruel irony of having to hear breeders getting booty in my time of pain and anguish(and humiliation) was a swift kick in the teeth.

Fucking mice, fucking Flatbush, fucking straight people. I hate life. But on the good side, I may be going to a movie premier on Tuesday. Will tell you all about it.

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