Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The sickness

I'm really sick. Its not like super sick, which would be better. Its sick enough to feel like crap but healthy enough to go about my day. And thus I spend the whole day feeling like crap. I dont really have anything interesting to say. Nothing written lately that hasnt been for school, and I assume you dont want to hear about Marxism in a pluralist democracy. I dont even want to hear about that, and I wrote it.

I found a great bookstore on West 10th st yesterday. But seeing as my blog is such a pop culture staple, I'm afraid that if I tell you the name it will become packed and I wont be able to get mi libros.(I completely forgot the name)


Anonymous said...

hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse - hope you're feeling better!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow... I am sorry you are sick.... but 10 days with no posting... I am worried. I miss you.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Hope you're feeling better!