Saturday, September 23, 2006

The parents have left

So here I am, sitting at a computer in 12th and University. Its amazing that earlier today my parents and I were having tear filled goodbyes in Bryant Park, I put them into a cab on 41st and 6th and that was that, they left for their motel near Laguardia. Their flight leaves at 6 tomarrow morning so they got a room near the airport.

They stayed with me. They slept in my apartment thats so small I cant stand comfortably by myself in it. They made scenes in public, they embarressed me on the subway. But they bought me wine, good wine too. And they bought me shoes, because the ones I had have depleting soles. Thats not good for business.

I dont really know what to say about it all. The stress is now gone. I need time to reflect on the whole experience, I guess. I need to know why I'm SO highstrung around them, and so calm when they arent around. Even on the phone with them I'm edgy.

But NOW, here and now I'm good. I'm relaxed. I can walk around my tiny apartment in the buff if and when I please(but thats even more uncomfortable(thats a terrible joke)). I have books now, and magazines. and I have a stack of books waiting for me at home.

I also have free time next week so I may post a story or something on here, I will defenitly have time to do some of my own writing, too.

I must not disappear onto the Q-train however. We'll talk soon.


Todd HellsKitchen said...

Glad you survived it!

Enjoy those books!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for the parents being gone - I can imagine how you feel!

Take some time to relax now!