Friday, September 29, 2006

a tiny rant

I have NYU kids. Is that a fair thing to say.
God this city must breathe easier when those damn rich kids are all out of here. If one more of them asks me how to get to Canal St. They may die, seriously. I may be jealouse because they're going to my dream school. But I think its becoming my dream Grad. School.

They need to learn how to walk a little faster. I'm a nice guy, really, just dont walk slow in front of me when I'm trying to catch my subway train home. In fact, just stay off my train, how's that?

* Disclaimer: if any NYU kids read my blog, which I doubt they do, I forgive you.


Anonymous said...

You cant really hate them. Besides, one day soon you will be in their shoes... while i am still here in michigan. I miss you.


Anonymous said...

I HATE it when people walk slow in front of me. It makes me want to kidnap a small child.

I love you jesse baron!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

At least you really only have to deal with the NYU kids during the days. Try at night, on the weekends, when you have to navigate your way through packs of drunken freshman girls who all think they're the next Paris Hilton. Oh so fun.