Tuesday, November 21, 2006

They Say it's my Birthday!

So this morning, 12:01 am to be exact, my brother woke me from my slumber and yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIT HEAD!!!!!!" into my ear. I love my brother and I love that he remembered the day I started to ruin his life, but dont yell about it.

So it is my birthday, and I am 19 years old. If anyone here is detective(Mr. HK) I'm fairly certain that from my openess about person details such as the day I was born, my first name, and not only borough but neighborhood that I live in, you would be able to find me in some archive or other.

But on to the events of the day. I'll spare you the Proustian details and give you the highlights:

1.)I woke up.(A commonly overlooked yet vital part of everysingle day.)

2.) I woke up in time to make myself a pot of coffee and watch the Today show, props to meredith but I do miss Katie, she was perky.

3.)I went to class. In my english class my professor wants us to write a memoir or short semi-autobiographical story from our lives. We went around the room and everyone said what they wanted to write about then it got to me.

Frumpy: I know you have a ton of stories. Anything you havent written about before? Are you saving something special for me?

me(casually): I'll probably write about when I used to be into prescription drugs. I'm kind of tired of writing about my sexuality, ya know?

Class(in unison): You're gay!?!?!

Me:...Really you didnt know?

Spoiled little rich girl: But you dont dress well?

4.) I got my new phone today. Its very nice and shiny.

5.)I went to Bergdorff Goodman. The most intimidating experience of my life.

6.)I saw Al Sharpton on 5th Avenue. Probably going home after a long day of bitching about American and thinking about how to fix it.

7.) I bought myself a cd. The Waterboys are amazing and they deserve more mainstream notification. And Keane needs to stop stealing their sound.

8.) I got happy birthdays. So many happy birthdays. But at the same time, it wasnt that big of a deal. Just any other day.

9.) I'm about to go to dinner with Michael. Japanese food...mmmmmmmmm.

10.) I'm going to go home and pack because I'm leaving for Michigan tomorrow. Turkey day is just around the corner.

P.s. I'm eating turkey dinner at sister 1's house. Shit. shit. and double shit.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jesse, I love you, and I quote:

"...and she says 'Where are we going?', and he looks at her and says, 'We're going to a party, its a birthday party, its your birthday party, Happy birthday darling we love you very very very very very very very very much' and he starts humming this little tune, and it kinda goes like this..."
