Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Another Gay Day

So Sunday was just one gay event after another.

I showed up to Bob's apartment at noon for brunch. This by the way completely throws me. In the midwest breakfast is from 5:30 to 9 am. Brunch is from 9:30 to around 11:30-noonish. and everything after that is lunch and dinner. But in NYC Sunday brunch is from 12-4 pm. It must be a left over habit from the speak easy days.

So anywho, I showed up at his apartment and then we left for Elmo, the restaurant in Chelsea. I liked it, it was certainly one those "no tourists allowed" restaurants. This is good because even though technically I was one until I got an address, tourists drive me nuts.

After brunch, we went to see Another Gay Movie at the Quad Cinema. My god was it funny. It was great, damn hilarious. I think that if you're gay, or gay friendly, you should see this movie because I'm fairly certain that it will become manditory viewing in a couple of years. Almost like "Lost Language of Cranes" is mandatory reading. But I warn you, be prepared for some gross out moments, like Richard Hatche's penis.....ew.

Bob then took me on a tour of the LGBT center. It was a big step for me, speaking from a confidence stand point. When we walked out of the movie theater he said something along the lines of : "In New York you dont have to worry about getting beat up when you go see a gay movie". My mind flashed back to me walking quickly across the Celebration Cinema parking lot at 11:30 pm after seeing Brokeback Mountain. Defenitly a big step made then.

We went for down to Century 21, the one down by the WTC. Fucking tourists! But its a great store and now I know where to shop when I have a damn job.

After that we went up to the Alphabet City. We walked along Ave. A and stumbled upon an improptu punk concert going on, though we couldnt see who it was. And all the little punk kids were too busy kicking each other and smoking their ultra-lights to tell us. So Bob took me to a burrito place on Ave. A that was absolutly incredible. I dont rememeber the name but I believe it was on the corner of A and the corner of Tompkins sq. park.

So we ventured back uptown, joking and talking my burrito in hand.

*disclaimer: touching moments to follow, all cynics continue at your own risk.

We're lying in his bed, my eyes feel heavy, tired. He's looking at me, his hand on my chest. Bob works nights so he usually divides his sleep before and after work. Its 8 p.m. and usually when I should be leaving, letting him get his rest. I look at the clock, sigh, start to get up to leave. He puts his leg over mine so I cant get up, "You dont have to go."

"You've gotta go to work."

"Stay, you know you dont want to go all the way to Brooklyn anyway."

So I stayed.

We laid down and fell asleep. His alarm went off and he kissed me on the forehead told me he'd be back before I knew it. But I got up with him, talked to him until he left. Then I called Ms. B back and we talked until 2 a.m. all the while I complained about the lack of carbs in Bob's apartment.

After I hung up Ms. B I got last weeks New Yorker and started to read the story in bed. Bob came in a little after 8. I heard him come in and pretended to sleep. He picked up the magazine saying " I guess the New Yorker isnt entertaining enough for Jesse." Then he quietly took off his clothes and crawled into bed next to me and waited until I actually did wake up.
.....We stayed in bed until noon :o

We went to Vinyl in Hell's Kitchen and we said our goodbyes around 4-ish.

I think I'm defenitly falling for this Bob fellow, I dont know if this is a good thing or not. We talked about it for a while. But that conversation is far to personal for the world wide web.


Anonymous said...

I think....that you are one of the most beautiful people I've ever met..there's something about how you uplift other people, even when you're fallen. If you ever fall, I'll catch you. and Babe....Townhouse...

Anonymous said...

I have a very serious question for you jesse.....are you getting somewhere, or did you get lost in amsterdam?