Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Heat waves blow

So New York is currently in the throws of vicious heat wave. This blows, I havent left my apartment yet today. I told my parents I would most likely be on the job hunt for the rest of the week, non-stop. But...Its just so fucking hot outside I mean who wants to walk around Manhattan sweaty and gross and asking "Excuse me, can pick up an application?" 40 times?


Good news though! I going home for Labor day weekend! I'm so excited to see all my friends, and play with my puppies, and drive Jefferey Talbot III(my green Saturn) and sleep in my old bed.

Home is where to heart is I guess. Even though I know without a doubt that this is where I belong, its not home yet. That takes time. And its only been 2 weeks on my own. God that seems so unrealistic, only 2 weeks.

"Time, what a tricky fucker."(From the film "Closer")


morris said...

G'day, Morris here from The Greatest Blog Experiment, can you please add a link to my blog in your sidebar, then I can add a link to you.



Todd HellsKitchen said...

heya! you were right near hells kitchen today! it feels like a pizza oven... with humidity. good luck on the job hunt. i remember when i first came to new york. this is an exciting time for you, jesse! enjoy every moment. even if it is a thousand degrees!

Moncrief Speaks said...

I'm envious of you that you moved to NYC so early in life. I didn't, but I wish I had. Good luck in the job search.